Thursday, July 16, 2015

Corn Soup

While the fete/party going on or while at the beach and you need an energy boost just turn to a Corn Soup or after having a good jog around the Queen's Park Savannah nothing settles as nice as a good piping hot Corn Soup.

Corn Soup is a usual fare throughout Trinidad and Tobago and is commonly served in a styrofoam cup or container.

The corn soup is made from shelled corn leaving corn on the cob, which is cut into 1" slices boiled in water to which lentils/yellow split peas, some nice spicy pepper, carrots, potato, herbs and spices, (every cook has their own secret blend) and to which is added flour dumplings (might be white flour, cassava flour or a

Mmm, Mmm, Mmm I can just smell the aroma coming off the bubbling pot.

My favourite Corn Soup is from the food court area around the Queen's Park Savannah. What's Yours?


  1. i think ill rather buy this than try to make it tho, best south corn soup place ????

  2. At the cross San Fernando. Best corn soup!!

  3. Oh Mi God!!!!!!!! know how long i ent eat ah good corn soup.......... share sum nuh peoplezz--- Follow me on instagram at blsr_stuff

  4. I dont really like suop but i would hv this

  5. thats the best in south but definitely not the best in trinidad.


  7. love the video! think i'll have to try this at home :)

  8. I'm with Azahrya on trying this myself I love corn soup!

  9. Sweet corn with something spicey goes fine!


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