Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bake and Shark

Bake and Shark or Shark and Bake same difference still good tasting and eating.

Take one of man's worst fears the shark (conjures up images from the movie JAWS doesn't it), well not a shark that large, add some good ole trini seasoning some flour to create a nice frying batter and fry to a lovely golden brown. That's the shark now the Bake whose ingredients consist of white flour, yeast,baking powder, butter, salt mix it all up and knead to form small round patties which are then rolled out and fried also to a golden brown colour. This bake is then sliced open and into this is the fried shark inserted. Bake and Shark ready but the secret to its mouth watering flavour is in the toppings which varies from vendor to vendor, you can usually find the toppings laid out so that you can add more or less depends on your favourites. Toppings include but are not restricted to sliced tomatoes, cole slaw, shadow beni sauce, garlic sauce, pepper sauce, tamarind sauce, mustard, ketchup, sliced or grated cucumbers, pineapple chunks and lettuce.

Once only found as a favourite of visitors to one of Trinidad's most popular beaches, Maracas this tasty sumptious sandwich then found itself to be a favourite to fete/party goes during carnival time, it continued to gain in popularity and can now be found island wide any day of the week.

Most popular Bake and Shark outlet among locals and international visitors hands down is Richard's Bake and Shark found on Maracas beach.

Don't agree then tell who is your favourite.


  1. Maracas, feeling to go on a beach lime, then eat some good Bake and Shark.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Richard's bark and shark is definitely one of the best!! Just thinking about it has my mouth watering already.

  4. "a man eating shark", the only time those words sound good.

  5. Maracus bake n shark + hungry belly = bess time anywhere
    follow me on instagram blsr_stuff LOL

  6. i loved bake and shark the first time i ate it but now i don't like it..not accustomed to the taste of shark :( would take a Maracas lime any day though!

  7. im for de Maracas lime not de bake and shark soo much!!!

  8. Where can you find Banek n Shark in South thooo likeeee wheeerrreeee?????!!!!??

    1. You can get that in gulf city mall food court. You're welcome LOL

    2. ha ha ha. if that isn't de most ironic thing i matter fact we have ever heard. you would go to a MALL and eat bake and shark....personally shark is thing that would want fresh. isn't it? the best shark and bake is located near the ocean. Your welcome lol.

  9. Maybe use ingredients that don't endanger sharks.


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