Tuesday, July 14, 2015


The Mighty Doubles

No Matter where in the world you may go, you are exposed to some type of street food and nowhere is there prevalent a culinary variety as those available in the tropical exotic twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) Within these street foods you can find influences of the mixed population's culture ( African, Indian, Syrian and Chinese to name a few. 

The Costs of these street foods are usually quite low when compared to other culinary fare. The mightiest of these foods is Doubles which is available throughout the length and breadth of the country and usually sells for $ 4.00 TT ($ 0.64 US). The name comes from the 2 pieces of Bara (fried flat bread) which encloses cooked channa (chick peas). Doubles which include shrimp or chicken have started to pop up but I am yet yet to taste.
Trini Doubles

When ordering doubles you would usually be asked pepper? (hot sauce) and the typical response is either slight, medium or heavy, other condiments (sauces) available are tamarind, mango, cucumber (grated), shadow beni, coconut chutney or roast pepper (beware its pure fire), these sauces vary from vendor to vendor.
When eating doubles the etiquette is to eat with your hands using one bara to scoop the channa and sauces straight to ones mouth, so in order to save yourself the embarrassment use your hands as no one in T& T eats doubles with any type of utensils.

Napkins are always provided.

And to answer the question on your mind dear reader, the best doubles that I have found is in Charlieville under the brand name Sauce Doubles.

Do you disagree with me then drop me a comment as to which doubles you believe is the best.


  1. i could eat about 8 doubles mango, cucumber, shadow beni, coconut chutney everything with slight pepper though. Breakfast i think so :)

  2. I love doubles and after seeing this i regret nt buying any this morning

  3. I love doubles and after seeing this i regret nt buying any this morning

  4. 1-2 doubles with slight pepper (cucumber & shadow beni) is good enough for me! haven't tried the ones at Charlieville though..

  5. Trini doubles on the whole is just perfect with cucumber and slight pepper. The location of the best doubles was very helpful. I'll definitely try that.

  6. Eat, love it, if not
    GO TO HELL!!! ('o')

  7. Ey Ravi doubles in Princes Town have bess doubles. TRY THEM......... LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    on a completely related note follow me on instagram blsr_stuff

  8. RAVI doubles bara does be like rubber i dont like he doubles

  9. Ravi in Princes Town. Yellow Tent. Across from Spring Fresh Mall. BEST. i need not say more.

  10. NO NO NO Mr anonymous its not u need to eat for another vendor try PERSADS doubles its de BEST in princestown!!!! :P

  11. ey i agree with mr. anontmous. ravi yellow tent doubles is d bess.
    you Anand is not ah trini go back by u market place doubles

  12. Do we get free corn soup? And Indian delicacies?

  13. I can argue the bake and shark. Asha's bake and shark is the best. They are cleaner than Richards by far. Richards bake and shark is like rubber. Worst bake and shark experience ever.

  14. yk u cud go on bake and shark and comment inno..... jus click d comment button under d post lol

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